I always say I don't have time to read because I'm busy. I run a business. I'm a mom. I'm developing an educational game and organizing art exhibits. I take the time to exercise and spend with my daughter. I'm (supposed to be) writing books.
Aloha! This is Birgitte Rasine, chief chocolate rabbit and author of The Jaguar and the Cacao Tree. I’m your host for this stop in the Hunt.
If you would like to find out more about the Hunt, please pop in here.
Have you ever been to an ivory tower? I've been to a few. Some are so tall and disconnected from reality it's frightening. Others are shorter, closer to the ground, freshly painted with well-tended gardens. And some simply don't know you exist.
Confession time. How much exercise have you done today? How about yesterday? Over the course of the past week? And why am I talking about exercise on a blog meant to discuss writing? Because getting your body up and moving is good for your plotlines.
While the annual frenzy of chocolate and roses that is St. Valentine’s Day runs its course, let’s talk about what no advertiser seems to get, and what every writer should: real romance.
In our online conversation two weeks ago, I exhorted The Write Practice community to answer three fundamental questions about their writer's soul, and asked you to tell me what you need help with the most.
The average lifespan these days, at least in the US, is 78.6 years. Depending on when you officially decided that you either are, or want to be, a writer, as in, a published, professional, and yes, paid author, you have X years left to practice your craft and claim your spot in the long literary line of writers and scribes since the dawn of history. While you do the math on that, I've written this very first official Birgitte's Write Practice blog post to ask you what you need help with the most.
Note: The original version of this post was first published on The Write Practice on December 18, 2013.