Last month I said, "So much happened last month that I haven't been able to take a breath and write." This month, I wish I didn't have to say, "So much has happened in the past few months that I can barely breathe."
Tue, 11/13/2018 - 21:22
Mon, 04/09/2018 - 18:20
"A whale is found dead with more than 30 plastic bags in its stomach" reads the headline. I almost throw up. I steel myself, knowing exactly how I'll feel if I read the article. I read it anyway, because I prefer truth over denial.
I feel exactly how I knew I would. Numb. Angry. Overwhelmed. Helpless. Guilty. But also determined. I know I'm not the only one trying to stop the insane inflow of plastic into every crevice of our lives, lifestyles, and now the entire foodchain of the planet.