January 31. March 2. March 15. April 15. July 31. December 31. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and fiscal YE whenever that "year end" is for you.
What do you think of when you hear the name Gabriel García Márquez? Magical realism, most likely. Maya Angelou? Inspirational verse, no doubt. Robert Ludlum? Ah, my hero, Jason Bourne.
Choose a genre, get good in it, stick to it, create a lasting reputation, say the experts, the blogs, the "how to for authors" articles. That's how you become known as an author. That's how you make the big bucks. Whatever you do, don't go skipping from one genre or one form to another!
Climate change. That was the topic for the "Musing of the Moment" of the January issue of my eLetter "The Muse." Like all of my musing moments, it was written from the heart, with reflection and respect. Some of the people subscribed to the eLetter routinely email me back after every issue to send words of support, thanks, encouragement, and sometimes simply their thoughts and ruminations.
On Christmas Day 2013, my usually clear head began to fog up. No, it wasn't writer's block, nor was I in a Tesla showroom (although I would happily fog up for Tesla Motors any day!).
It was the beginning of a tenacious demon of a sinus headache and cough. The fact that it's flu season, and that we're having a whooping cough epidemic here in California, immediately registered, but was instantly overridden by a determination to cure my body my way—i.e., naturally, without antibiotics.
Because last year, I ended up taking them.
When is the truth truly free?
On June 9, 2013, news shot around the world that NSA sub-contractor Edward Snowden was the person who leaked information about the agency’s secret surveillance activities to the media.