Ever have that sinking feeling that everyone all around you is doing so many important, life-changing things, going on marine research expeditions, volunteering at shelters, fighting for diversity and equality? While all you're doing is shuttling the kids to school, cooking dinner, trying to research your next book, or make that eLetter deadline.
I get that feeling all the time.
Mon, 11/13/2017 - 19:43
Mon, 04/13/2015 - 14:33
Have you ever had to make an unexpected U-turn?
About a year ago, I was driving to a meeting at Hidden Villa, a local organic ranch where I was supposed to do a children's program on chocolate. At a traffic light, I could feel my heart swell and pound out a few heavy heart beats that didn't feel all that regular. My left arm tingled a bit, although that could have been because I was resting it wrong on the car door.