Last month I said, "So much happened last month that I haven't been able to take a breath and write." This month, I wish I didn't have to say, "So much has happened in the past few months that I can barely breathe."
I always say I don't have time to read because I'm busy. I run a business. I'm a mom. I'm developing an educational game and organizing art exhibits. I take the time to exercise and spend with my daughter. I'm (supposed to be) writing books.
"A whale is found dead with more than 30 plastic bags in its stomach" reads the headline. I almost throw up. I steel myself, knowing exactly how I'll feel if I read the article. I read it anyway, because I prefer truth over denial.
I feel exactly how I knew I would. Numb. Angry. Overwhelmed. Helpless. Guilty. But also determined. I know I'm not the only one trying to stop the insane inflow of plastic into every crevice of our lives, lifestyles, and now the entire foodchain of the planet.
Happy New Year! Are we happier and healthier, more productive and prosperous yet? Time's a wastin'...
I'll get right to the point.
I don't do resolutions. I do strategy. Here's why.
A resolution is simply an intent, which as we (should) all know is not necessarily followed up by long-term action or fulfillment. No matter how strong, no matter how "resolute."
Ah, the day after. That blissful feeling of joy, of complete and utter contentment, where nothing else matters because everything has gone so well and so right. There are always the pre- and post-event duties, the planning, the organization, the last-minute tweaks and late-night trips to art supply stores, but it's all worth it.
I'm talking, of course, about great parties and get-togethers. Author talks. Opening receptions.
Ever have that sinking feeling that everyone all around you is doing so many important, life-changing things, going on marine research expeditions, volunteering at shelters, fighting for diversity and equality? While all you're doing is shuttling the kids to school, cooking dinner, trying to research your next book, or make that eLetter deadline.
I get that feeling all the time.
I read about sleep the other day. An article about how much more profoundly sleep impacts our health and well-being than most of us probably realize. I want to share it with you because it's something I struggle with on a daily basis, and imagine many of us do as well.
Aloha! This is Birgitte Rasine, chief chocolate rabbit and author of The Jaguar and the Cacao Tree. I’m your host for this stop in the Hunt.
If you would like to find out more about the Hunt, please pop in here.
Have you ever been to an ivory tower? I've been to a few. Some are so tall and disconnected from reality it's frightening. Others are shorter, closer to the ground, freshly painted with well-tended gardens. And some simply don't know you exist.
We all know and love chocolate for its taste—irresistible, warm, velvety bittersweet. You may also have heard about the “health benefits” of chocolate. But is that just a marketing gimmick or is it really true that chocolate heals?