The tropics. Hot hot sun, exotic fruits, amazing local food, plenty of wildlife and songbirds, a hammock swinging in the breeze, cool drink in your hand… what more could a writer want for inspiration?
Wed, 12/19/2012 - 08:06
We writers have never had it better, easier, or more convenient to write. Laptops are lighter, smaller, thinner, faster and more powerful than ever before. We can write anywhere, anytime. We can send entire manuscripts to our editors from anywhere in the world instantly—assuming wi-fi of course.
Sat, 12/01/2012 - 14:28
Note: This is a copy of my post that appears on the Pen Parentis blog.
First things first: a big warm thanks to Milda De Voe, Executive Director of the Pen Parentis literary organization in New York, for enthusiastically embracing the idea of blogging from the field as my family and I embark on a 2-month-long trip in Colombia.