Doug May

Doug May
Ecologist, technologist, strategist
Occidental, CA

"The Visionary is my 'why,' in poem form. [It] tells me that there are more people than I dared hope, more ready than I expected, for me to add my own gifts to the solution. I am more inspired than ever to empower The Mindful User."

Humanity is awakening to our power and to the grave imbalances we have projected into the physical world. We are, in exponentially growing numbers, resolving to change our own consciousness, our habits of thought, and our actions and plans in order to rebalance the world so that our grandchildren’s grandchildren’s grandchildren can laugh and play and love and grow up here.

The same technology that has accelerated our decline must increasingly serve our accelerated recovery. The challenges before us call each of us to be our highest and best self while demanding that we learn to work together as never before. Each step in our personal journey of transformation brings us to a new perspective, and it is essential we have tools that can keep up with our evolving selves and our changing world. On top of that we need a coaching and collaboration layer so that we can work together with others—whether one-on-one, in a small team, or as part of a global movement—to achieve our shared goals. Traditional collaboration approaches, based on the usual least-common-denominator model, emphasize our commonality at the expense of our ability to make our own unique contributions and to keep growing as we learn. 
I build tools that enable both 1:1 coaching and collaboration on multiple levels and scales. My apps empower personal goal-setting, focus, productivity, and balance, including reinforcing desired habits of thought and behavior, and help eliminate those habits that no longer serve us or our goals. I build these tools for global citizens, world changers, and visionaries with the recognition that each person in any given collaboration is on a journey of personal transformation and may be constantly changing.
Birgitte’s book The Visionary is my why, in poem form. It is a mirror in which all of these awakening and emerging global citizens can recognize themselves. And most importantly, it lets them know that they can and must embrace the divisive sword of technology, along with the alchemy that can transform it into a plowshare of human enlightenment and sustainability. Her gift of words tells me that there are more people than I dared hope, more ready than I expected, for me to add my own gifts to the solution. 
I am more inspired than ever to empower The Mindful User.
~ Doug May

Doug May grew up bridging technology and transformation, while seeking solutions for human sustainability. A compulsive optimizer of the whole who takes his cues from nature and intuition, he bridges seemingly disparate topics to reveal hidden opportunities to pivot, integrate, and evolve, on both an academic and professional level. After nine years of developing the essentials of Collaboration Architecture, he is now focusing on putting the tools of self-awareness and collaboration into the hands of the millions of emerging world-changers and global citizens, who are now finding themselves online.

Doug is Founding Collaboration Architect at The Intuitive Edge and author of the forthcoming book "The Mindful User — A Field Guide for the Emerging Global Citizen; 101 Tips for Engaging with Technology and Changing the World."

Learn more about Doug and his work at