I started out as a screenwriter and journalist in Los Angeles in the mid 1990's. After I moved back to the Bay Area, I wrote for the hi-tech industry, which I still do today. I've written for numerous other industries and clients, including healthcare, renewable energy, publishing, and food & beverage. This page is dedicated to bylined pieces and my work as a journalist and blogger. Check out more of my work with my firm LUCITÀ here.
The publications/web sites that follow are listed in alphabetical order. If there is no hyperlink to a particular article, it is either because: a.) the article only exists in print or b.) it is no longer live on the publication's web site.
In digital times: Print and photography are still the perfect couple. December 2014.
"Hollywood Squares Off with Writers," article about the Writers Guild of America negotiations over Internet royalties. Published November 20, 2000.
"All the Web's a Stage," article about the concept of digitally streamed theatre plays. Published December 11, 2000.
I served as the international editor for Central America Today, the first English-language business publication about the Central American region. Focusing on business, trade, investment and tourism, the magazine published bi-monthly until 2008. For a gallery of covers and more information, please visit this link.
"Twenty DP's with 20/20 Artistic Vision," roundup of directors of photography nominated for the ASC's Outstanding Achievement Awards. Published February 21, 1997.
Head writer and editor of a 28-page special consumer section on the Sister Cities of Beverly Hills and Cannes. Published March 1996.
Article in French on desertification in the Mediterranean region. Madrid, Spain. Published 1999.
Hardware spotlights for a top 3D printing network in San Francisco. Plus a thought leadership piece (ghostwritten).
"Plex Appeal," a look at five emerging markets in global exhibition. Published June 19, 2001.
"Local Heroes," article on the status of the local television industry in the Czech Republic. Published March 27, 2001.
"Gearing Up," article on the nascent digital camera markets. Published October 25, 2000.
"Over There," article about the high definition revolution in overseas markets. Published June 23, 2000.
"The Silicon Eye," article about the digital camera revolution. Published February 26, 1998.
Played role of journalist in over 30 simulated online press conferences on the topics of Climate Change and Global Health, for the Contemporary World History Project sponsored by the California International Studies Project (CISP) and the University of the Pacific. 2014-2015.
Contributing blogger from 2013 to 2014. My posts consistently attracted plentiful comments and engaged readers.
"Twenty Cameramen Whose Aim is True," roundup of directors of photography nominated for the ASC's Outstanding Achievement Awards. Published February 23, 1996.